Resource Library
All of CAPLAW’s resources and publications are now available in CAPLAW’s new Resource Library. Use the search filters below to find the resource you need.
Featured Resources

Complying with the New Head Start Performance Standards
On August 21, 2024, the federal Office of Head Start (OHS) released extensive regulatory changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) in Supporting the Head Start Workforce and Consistent Quality Programming (the Final Rule)…

Open Meetings Law State-by-State Guide
Open meetings laws typically apply to federal, state, and local governmental bodies. However, some states expand applicability to non-governmental entities, such as recipients of government grants and certain nonprofit organizations…

Responding to Data Incidents
With cybercrime increasing, this question arises more and more often. Many CAAs have moved away from paper records toward electronic systems which contain significant amounts of data, and it isn’t always clear what obligations a CAA has when data within its care is compromised…

Do the Right Thing: Culture of Compliance + Ethics
In the face of increased scrutiny, it's more important than ever for Community Action Agencies (CAAs) to establish and maintain a strong ethical culture within their organizations. CAAs are also being held to higher standards of accountability in terms of their ability to exercise effective...

CSBG Training Tool for Nonprofit CAA Boards
One way to empower a CAA board is to give it the tools it needs to educate itself. With this in mind, CAPLAW has created a self-training tool to provide a nonprofit CAA board with the guidance and information it needs to teach itself about the Community Service Block Grant Act (CSBG) tripartite...

CSBG Training Tool for Public CAA Boards
One way to empower a CAA board is to give it the tools it needs to educate itself. With this in mind, CAPLAW has created this self-training tool to provide a public CAA board with the guidance and information it needs to teach itself about the Community Service Block Grant Act (CSBG) tripartite...

Making Remote Work Work: Policies and Pitfalls
In this webinar, we review CAPLAW’s new sample remote work policy and discuss ways in which CAAs and employees may take advantage of the flexibilities inherent to certain recommended policy provisions. A successful remote work arrangement requires that employees and their employer both understand...

Sample Remote Work Policy
A successful remote work arrangement requires that employees and their employer both understand their roles and obligations. Therefore, a clear, thorough, and easy-to-understand remote work policy is a key component of a successful remote work arrangement. This Sample Remote Work...

Promoting Employee Productivity in a Pandemic
This webinar discusses the impact of hybrid work arrangements on employee productivity. With some employees working remotely and others on-site, CAAs have encountered new challenges related to successfully motivating, evaluating, and disciplining their employees. We explore an employer’s ability...

Promoting a Safe and Well-Functioning Hybrid Workplace
This webinar discusses the employment law issues that apply to remote working. Federal wage and hour, workers’ compensation, and safety laws are integral to maintaining safety and wellbeing in the workplace. However, given the unorthodox nature of many remote work arrangements, it can be hard to...

Tax and Accounting Compliance from a (Social) Distance
Tax laws and accounting rules can be difficult to understand and navigate, even outside of a global pandemic. As CAAs continue to adopt remote work arrangements, the tax implications of moving employees out of the physical workplace and across state borders may not be immediately apparent. In this...

How to Think About Employee Vaccination Policies
In this webinar, we discuss some of the legal issues associated with employee vaccination policies. As CAAs across the country consider whether they have the right to require that their employees be vaccinated and whether other options are available to encourage voluntary vaccinations,...