Resource Library

All of CAPLAW’s resources and publications are now available in CAPLAW’s new Resource Library. Use the search filters below to find the resource you need.

Purposeful Planning: Board & Staff Processes

Purposeful Planning: Board & Staff Processes

Learn how to structure your planning processes to yield useful frameworks to guide financial, program, and leadership choices…and how to avoid unfocused, duplicative, unbearably long planning processes that drain resources and yield untouched doorstops. This interactive webinar explores practical...

Board Composition and Selection Best Practices

Board Composition and Selection Best Practices

Use this Board Composition and Selection Best Practices checklist to assess how your board elects board members, what your selection procedures you use, and whether the makeup of the board complies with the requirements of the federal CSBG Act.

Being Direct: Shared Cost Recovery through Direct Cost Allocation

Bylaws Toolkit

CAPLAW’s Bylaws Toolkit is just what you need to make your organization’s bylaws clear, effective, and up-to-date. The toolkit outlines key concepts for your agency’s bylaws, such as the authority of the Board of Directors, petitions for board representation, replacement of directors due to...

Requiring Exempt Employees to Record Time Worked

Requiring Exempt Employees to Record Time Worked

May CAAs require exempt employees to record their hours worked or will doing so undermine the salary-basis test for their exemption from the minimum wage and overtime requirements of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?

Sample Attorney Engagement Letter

Sample Attorney Engagement Letter

This Sample Attorney Consultant Engagement Letter is an example of the type of agreement a CAA could enter into with outside counsel to obtain assistance on particular legal matters.

Sample Attorney Engagement Letter

Sample Board Applicant Questionnaire (CAA + Head Start)

CAPLAW's Sample Board Applicant Questionnaire for CAAs with Head Start Programs helps CAAs track the Head Start required qualifications for the governing body, as well as determine a board applicant's relevant experiences for board service.