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2020 Uniform Guidance Updates: Other Key Changes

New Rules of the Road Webinar Series (Part 2)


The Uniform Guidance, 2 C.F.R. Part 200, has been substantially revised for the first time since it was issued, and the final revisions took effect on November 12, 2020. Though most of the revisions will not apply to federal awards issued before November 12, CAAs should begin to plan now for their inclusion in forthcoming awards. In this two-part webinar series, CAPLAW analyzes the major changes, explains how they are likely to affect CAAs, and identifies key considerations for implementation. Part 1 of the webinar series discusses changes and clarifications relating to the recovery of indirect costs, including use of the de minimis rate and direct cost allocation. This webinar, Part 2, addresses other notable changes, including procurement, the role of non-binding guidance, and grant termination.

Presented on: November 20, 2020
Presented by: Allison Ma’luf, Esq. and Caroline F. Kelley, Esq., CAPLAW

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