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Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

With the possibility of a federal government shutdown looming, what should CAAs be doing to prepare? Review 10 tips to consider when preparing for a possible shutdown. Summaries of federal agency shutdown contingency plans also help determine which federal programs and activities will continue...

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

Evaluating Cost-Saving Workforce Options in Leaner Times

In the face of potential federal budget cuts or a government shutdown, many Community Action Agencies (CAAs) evaluate cost-saving workforce options—from laying off staff to reducing hours or freezing wages. To help CAAs weather tough financial times and protect themselves against potential...

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

On Notice: Understanding Federal WARN Act Compliance

Whether due to funding cuts, government shutdowns, recompetition, or other operational reasons, at some point a Community Action Agency (CAA) may need to consider restructuring or downsizing its workforce. Terminating employees, shuttering locations, or implementing cost-saving measures trigger...

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

Litigation Update: Executive Orders on DEI and More

Over the last month, legal actions challenging the new administration’s executive orders (EOs) and other directives based on those EOs continue to make their way through the federal courts. In some cases, the court has issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) or preliminary injunction (PI)...

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

A Primer on Tools a New Administration May Use to Effectuate Change

The early stages of a new administration can involve significant and fast-moving change. During this time, a president is typically focused on establishing policies and programs that align with the goals and priorities for his term. In an effort to effectuate timely change, a president may use a...

Legal Implications of the New Administration’s First Moves

Legal Implications of the New Administration’s First Moves

The executive actions taken during the first weeks of the new Trump administration have garnered a great deal of attention and raised numerous questions for community action agencies (CAAs). Through a series of executive orders (EOs) and memos, the administration issued broad directives...

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

New Trump Administration Executive Orders: Initial Thoughts

Following the 2025 presidential inauguration, the White House released a myriad of new executive orders (EOs) on a host of issues. Many of these orders contain broad directives and it will take time for the practical implications of these actions to become clear. The documents mostly establish the...

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

2024 FLSA Overtime Rule Struck Down Nationwide

Everything’s bigger in Texas, even the impact of the state’s legal challenge to federal overtime rules. On November 15, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas struck down the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) Final Rule on Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for...

Tips on Preparing for a Possible Government Shutdown

Route Recalculation: New GPS Guides HHS Grants 

For the first time since 2007, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released a new Grants Policy Statement (GPS). The GPS, which is incorporated as a standard term and condition in a grantee’s Notice of Award, provides information on the award process and legal rules that apply to...