Special Conversation with CAPLAW: OSHA and CMS Vaccine Mandates

The highly-anticipated OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandates have been issued.

Under the OSHA ETS, employers with 100 or more employees must ensure their workers are either fully vaccinated or are submitting negative COVID-19 tests at least once a week by January 4, 2022. The separate CMS vaccine mandate applies to all employees at health care facilities that receive federal funding from Medicare or Medicaid, and it also requires employees to be vaccinated by January 4, 2022. The CMS vaccine mandate does not give employees the option to test weekly in lieu of getting vaccinated.


Federal Vaccine Mandates: Step-by-Step Compliance Guide for Community Action

CAPLAW recently issued a step-by-step compliance guide to help the Community Action network navigate the employee vaccination mandates announced by OSHAHead Start, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). In this resource we describe the planning process your CAA should consider as you develop and update your policies to reflect the new requirements. We also provide two template policies to assist your CAA in complying with the new mandates: a mandatory vaccination policy and a policy requiring vaccinations or allowing employees to choose weekly COVID-19 testing and face coverings. In this webinar we discuss these essential resources, as well as the status of ongoing litigation challenging these mandates.
