Resource Library

All of CAPLAW’s resources and publications are now available in CAPLAW’s new Resource Library. Use the search filters below to find the resource you need.

Dynamic Duo: The Board + Executive Director Partnership

Dynamic Duo: The Board + Executive Director Partnership

Engaged, informed, and enthusiastic executive directors and board members working as a team are essential to the success of a Community Action Agency. This guide, created in collaboration with the National Community Action Partnership, analyzes the board and executive director relationship,...

Indirect Cost Webinar Series Q+A

Indirect Cost Webinar Series Q+A

This Q&A was created pursuant to the webinar series CAPLAW offered earlier this year, Ins and Outs of Indirect Costs Under the Super Circular. We received over 60 questions relating to indirect costs during and after the series and have attempted to answer many of those questions in this...

CSBG Organizational Standards Resources Guide

CSBG Organizational Standards Resources Guide

This online guide compiles various resources developed by CAPLAW and the national Community Action Partnership and links them to specific CSBG Organizational Standards to help Community Action Agencies in their compliance efforts.

Reporting under ACA Employer Mandate

Reporting under ACA Employer Mandate

Concerned about which of the new IRS reporting requirements under the employer and individual mandates apply to you? What data do you need collect? When do you need to submit and deliver the new forms? How do you complete those forms? Our second webinar in the Affordable Care Check-up will discuss...

Reporting under ACA Employer Mandate

Determining Full-Time Employees under ACA Employer Mandate

Wondering how to determine whether particular CAA staff members are considered full-time employees under the ACA and whether employer mandate assessments will apply if health coverage is not offered? Our first webinar in the Affordable Care Check-up webinar series aims to help CAAs apply the...

Reporting under ACA Employer Mandate

Strategies for CAAs Unable to Survive

This webinar focuses on educating attorneys working with Community Action Agencies (CAAs) on the unique obligations that CAAs have as federal grantees when they are potentially facing difficult, major organizational decisions such as bankruptcy and dissolution. The webinar discusses the different...

Indirect Cost Webinar Series Q+A

Statutory Admin Limits and More under the Uniform Guidance

CAPLAW created this FAQ in response to questions we've received about the treatment of indirect costs under the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. This FAQ addresses the following issues: administrative cost limits imposed by a federal...

Indirect Cost Webinar Series Q+A

Should an Executive Director be a Voting Member of a CAA Board?

If the Community Action Agency (CAA) runs a Head Start program, the answer is no; the Head Start Act prohibits board members serving as paid staff of the organization. Even for CAAs without Head Start, however, CAPLAW does not recommend making the executive director a voting board member.

Indirect Cost Webinar Series Q+A

What is FAFTA and a CAA’s Obligation to Comply?

FFATA stands for the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, which requires information on federal awards to be made publicly available via a single, searchable website, This FAQ discusses if CAAs are required to comply with FFATA's reporting requirements.