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All a-Board! Series: Terms and Term Limits (Process)

The Purpose, People, and Process of CAA Boards


Like pruning a plant to encourage growth and fruitfulness, a CAA board of directors can implement requirements to facilitate turnover and help keep itself fresh and energized. Establishing terms for board service and a limit on the number of terms a board member may serve are two such requirements. Join us as we turn again to the world of nature to discuss how board member terms and term limits have served a particular CAA’s board. Observe the board’s reasons for implementing terms and term limits, relevant sources of law and guidance, and how the transition works practically.

Whether you’re a new CAA board member eager to orient yourself to the work of community action, an existing board member looking for clarity on your role and responsibilities, or a board chair planning to facilitate a training at the next board meeting, the All a-Board! series can serve as a starting point or a refresher. As standalone resources, the videos offer frameworks and hypotheticals based on real-life board situations to help directors understand key aspects of CAA board service. They also complement CAPLAW’s existing resources, highlighting important issues that board members can learn more about in our other publications.

These brief videos can be viewed by board members on their own at each board member’s convenience, or as a group as part of a full board training or series of short board trainings at the beginning of each board meeting. However they’re consumed, CAAs may use these videos to help meet CSBG Organizational Standards 5.7 and 5.8, which call upon organizations to conduct board orientations and ongoing board trainings.

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