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Maximizing Understanding of the ​New De Minimis Rate (Part 1)


With the effective date of the updated Uniform Guidance fast approaching, the increase in the de minimis rate from 10% to up to 15% of modified total direct costs invites the question: should a CAA elect to use the new de minimis rate? To help CAAs understand the new de minimis rate and other related adjustments to the Uniform Guidance that impact cost recovery, CAPLAW hosted a two-part webinar series with financial expert Kay Sohl. Part 1 of the series explained the updates to the de minimis rate option and how it compares to other methods of cost recovery, such as negotiated indirect cost rates and direct cost allocation plans. It described how CAAs can assess and consider whether a de minimis rate of up to 15% makes sense for them, and presents common de minimis rate-related issues that confront CAAs as recipients of multiple sources of federal, state, and local funding. Click here to view the recording, slides, and transcript for Part 2.

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