Salary CAP: Exploring Compensation and COLA for the Head Start Workforce in Community Action Programs

The average salary of Community Action Agency jobs varies according to location, department, and job description as well as experience, skills, and education. All CAAs across the country work to foster pay equity and manage compensation costs, but how does this impact Head Start and Early Head Start staff–especially when they receive an administrative Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) or substantial increases in pay and other CAA staff do not? Join us to explore CAA compensation and benefits structure, current and future workforce needs, and what CAA and Head Start and Early Head Start leadership can do to attract and retain the most qualified employees.


Ryan Gelman, Project Director, Public Policy and Advocacy, National Community Action Partnership


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Hydroponic Farm Social Enterprise Case Study + Webinar

Join CAPLAW for a discussion of our forthcoming case study on CT Food 4 Thought, a hydroponic greenhouse farm operated by New Opportunities, Inc., a CAA in northwest Connecticut. The webinar will feature New Opportunities’ Executive Director Bill Rybczyk, who will share the story of how his team pivoted strategically to grow its business from an idea to a successful farm producing 8,000-11,000 heads of lettuce per week. CAPLAW will highlight some of the legal choices Bill faced along the way, such as how to structure the social enterprise and manage unrelated business income tax. We will also discuss other topics, like employment arrangements and conflicts of interest, which CAAs should consider when launching a social enterprise.


Bill Rybczyk, New Opportunities Executive Director;

Caroline Santilli, CAPLAW Staff Attorney

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Ask the Financial Experts: Fiscal Navigation in 2022

Fiscal administration and management issues for federal grants have become more complex for CAAs due to the historic influx of funding they received in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these challenges, from managing new programs and a rapid ramp-up of services, to cost allowability as needs during the pandemic evolved and closing out short-term grants, relate to the financial administration of new or increased funding streams.

To help CAAs navigate these challenges – new and old – CAPLAW, in collaboration with the National Community Action Partnership, has invited two of our most knowledgeable and engaging financial experts, Kay Sohl and Denes Tobie, to answer your questions about managing your agency’s finances.

Experts: Kay Sohl, Kay Sohl Consulting; Denes Tobie, Wipfli LLP


Tripartite Board Selection and Composition

Part 1 of the Mastering the A-B-CSBGs: Fundamentals Series

Maintaining a tripartite board is challenging enough without questions about who can serve and how to elect them. Join this session to review the rules and guidance applicable to the public, private, and consumer sectors.

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Uses of CSBG Funds

Part 2 of the Mastering the A-B-CSBGs: Fundamentals Series

CSBG funds are unique among federal grants in that their use is guided by the needs of the communities served. Learn more about the rules and guidance governing the various ways CSBG funds can be used in this session.

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Mechanics of CSBG

Part 3 of the Mastering the A-B-CSBGs: Fundamentals Series

This session will cover the planning and reporting requirements that facilitate the implementation of CSBG at the state and agency level. We will discuss topics such as allocation of funding, designation of new eligible entity, state plans and the community needs assessment.

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Monitoring and Termination

Part 4 of the Mastering the A-B-CSBGs: Fundamentals Series

CAA leaders should understand the life cycle of a CSBG grant so they can make smart decisions about spending, reporting, and accounting for their funding. This session will explore the performance management process, including monitoring by state CSBG offices and the Office of Community Services, and terminating or reducing a CSBG grant.

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Preparing for a Government Shutdown

Join CAPLAW and NCAF as they provide the community action network with updated information about the potential for a shutdown and ways to prepare and respond to one. In this webinar, NCAF and CAPLAW will discuss the state of play in Washington and tips for how the Network can prepare for a shutdown prior to the start of the new federal fiscal year.

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Being Direct: Shared Cost Recovery through Direct Cost Allocation Webinar

In September 2023, CAPLAW and Kay Sohl Consulting developed and released Being Direct: Shared Cost Recovery through Direct Cost Allocation, a resource that explores how CAAs can use direct cost allocation to recover costs that benefit multiple funding awards. Now CAPLAW and financial expert Kay Sohl are hosting a webinar to present the resource and discuss the issues it covers, including factors CAAs should weigh when deciding whether to fully recover costs using direct cost allocation principles; how to recover costs using a cost allocation plan; and allowable and unallowable cost allocation methods. Please join us for this important discussion.
