Let’s Talk About Changes to the Uniform Guidance

Join us for a discussion of key, potential changes on the horizon to the rules that govern the administration and use of federal awards. On October 5, 2023, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published proposed revisions to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance). If implemented, the revisions could result in a number of impactful changes, including increasing the de minimis rate for indirect cost recovery from 10% to 15%; removing certain prior written approval requirements; clarifying when recipients and subrecipients may notify OMB of disputes with regard to a Federal agency's acceptance of a federally negotiated indirect cost rate; and more. We will share our analysis of the proposed changes and our understanding of their potential implications for federal grant recipients and subrecipients. We’d also like to hear your thoughts, especially with respect to any feedback you think is important to share with OMB. Register Now.

Understanding the 2024 Uniform Guidance Revisions

The Uniform Guidance has been updated! The revised regulations contain numerous changes that will affect how federal grant recipients and subrecipients, including community action agencies, administer their federal funds. Join CAPLAW for a webinar about the changes and the potential impacts for the community action network.


Overtime Rule Salary Level Increasing

On April 26, 2024, DOL published a Final Rule on Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees (the “Final Rule”). In this webinar, CAPLAW will discuss the Final Rule, impacts the changes could have on CAAs, and any new developments related to its implementation. Please register here to attend this important session.

CAPLAW discusses these key changes and more in this news alert: DOL Increases Salary Level for FLSA Overtime Exemption


Part 1: Maximizing Understanding of the New De Minimis Rate

With the effective date of the updated Uniform Guidance fast approaching, the increase in the de minimis rate from 10% to up to 15% of modified total direct costs invites the question: should a CAA elect to use the new de minimis rate? To help CAAs understand the new de minimis rate and other related adjustments to the Uniform Guidance that impact cost recovery, CAPLAW is hosting this two-part webinar series with financial expert Kay Sohl.

Part 1 of the series will explain the updates to the de minimis rate option and how it compares to other methods of cost recovery, such as negotiated indirect cost rates and direct cost allocation plans. We will describe how CAAs can assess and consider whether a de minimis rate of up to 15% makes sense for them, and present common de minimis rate-related issues that confront CAAs as recipients of multiple sources of federal, state, and local funding.


Part 2: Maximizing Understanding of the New De Minimis Rate

With the effective date of the updated Uniform Guidance fast approaching, the increase in the de minimis rate from 10% to up to 15% of modified total direct costs invites the question: should a CAA elect to use the new de minimis rate? To help CAAs understand the new de minimis rate and other related adjustments to the Uniform Guidance that impact cost recovery, CAPLAW is hosting this two-part webinar series with financial expert Kay Sohl.

Part 2 will focus on practical examples that illustrate the application of the rate and potential challenges discussed in Part 1, such as when specific funding sources impose limits on administrative cost recovery.  We will also spend time answering questions posed in Part 1 as well as in Part 2 with the goal of helping CAAs think through their cost recovery strategies and approaches in light of the changes to the Uniform Guidance.


CAPLAW Pulse: New Resources You Should Know

In this webinar, CAPLAW attorneys will explain the key legal framework behind each resource, providing general insights on state open meetings laws, immigrant eligibility for various public benefits, and responding to data incidents. This session will also include a brief demonstration of the resources and how they can enhance CAAs' compliance, operations, and programs.
