Tips, Traps, and Trends – Developments and Practical Considerations in Charitable Fundraising

Charitable fundraising compliance can be easy enough to understand in theory, but its practical applications and effects are complicated, even for seasoned professionals. Join Cristina Vessels and Christina Lara for this one-hour presentation exploring developments in charitable solicitation laws and how best to navigate thorny online fundraising issues, including compliance with new rules for charitable fundraising platforms.

Cristina Vessels, Counsel, Nonprofit Organizations, Venable LLP

Christina Lara, Associate, Political Law, Venable LLP


Ten Years in, OMB Makes Significant Changes to the Uniform Guidance: Learn from the Experts

Ten years ago OMB took the notable step of consolidating a myriad of circulars that regulated federal financial assistance (i.e., grants) into a “super” circular known as the Uniform Guidance. Now, OMB has published the most significant rewrite of this regulation to date. Have you reviewed the hundreds of pages of changes and explanation? We have, and we—Dismas Locaria of Venable LLP and Dan Durst and Marc Bucalo of Award Advisors—plan to discuss these changes and answer your questions regarding how nonprofits can utilize the new flexibilities to their advantage and remain mindful and vigilant of compliance concerns and obligations.


Best Practices in Grant Management

The nonprofit sector faces unique challenges in managing grants effectively, which are crucial for funding various programs and initiatives. This webinar provides an in-depth exploration of best practices in grant management to help nonprofit organizations maximize their funding potential, ensure compliance, and achieve their mission more efficiently.
