Welcome to CAPLAW’s CSBG Training Module. We are excited to offer this interactive tool for Community Action Agencies to learn about the federal Community Services Block Grant Act. All Community Action Agencies receive Community Services Block Grant (or CSBG) funds. These funds come with legal requirements that affect how CAAs are governed and operate. Thus, it is important for CAA staff and board members – as well as anyone else who works with these funds – to understand how CSBG operates and the key requirements of this funding source.  

This interactive, self-paced module enables users to learn about CSBG on their own or as part of a group training session, such as a board meeting. We encourage CAAs to use this module with their staff and board members – especially those who are new to Community Action. The module contains 10 chapters on topics ranging from the history of CSBG, to the tripartite board requirements for CAAs, to funding reduction and termination. There are also interactive activities throughout the module to help review and assess what you have learned.  

We encourage you to quickly read some of our tips and tricks for using the module, including navigating slides, accessing resources in real-time, and troubleshooting issues.

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