In the face of increased scrutiny, it’s more important than ever for Community Action Agencies (CAAs) to establish and maintain a strong ethical culture within their organizations. CAAs are also being held to higher standards of accountability in terms of their ability to exercise effective financial oversight and stewardship to comply systematically with the many rules that apply to their operations, including the requirements of the CSBG Organizational Standards. CAPLAW’s updated version of its publication, Do the Right Thing: How CAAs Can Cultivate a Culture of Compliance and High Ethical Standards, helps CAAs adopt policies and procedures that implement an effective compliance and ethics system, as well as discusses ways that CAAs can manage risk and ensure programmatic, fiscal, and governance compliance with the CSBG Organizational Standards. Through interviews with CAAs, links to resources from compliance and ethics experts, and sample documents, this publication offers practical steps CAA boards and management can take to ensure that their organizations operate effectively and in compliance with the requirements that apply to them.

CAPLAW CSBG Training Module
This Introduction to CSBG training module is an interactive tool for Community Action Agencies to learn about the federal Community Services Block Grant Act. All Community Action Agencies receive Community Services Block Grant (or CSBG) funds…