Once a Community Action Agency (CAA) has determined that it is interested in pursuing a merger, asset acquisition, shared services, or other affiliation arrangement with another organization, it is time to do the hard work of conducting a due diligence review of that organization. The purpose of the due diligence process is to investigate an organization prior to entering into a transaction agreement with that organization. The goal is to assess the strengths, weaknesses, risks, and liabilities of the other organization to be able to make a thoughtful, informed assessment about whether to move ahead with the partnership. This process is intended to help the boards of both organizations fulfill their fiduciary duties to act in their organization’s best interests and make well-reasoned decisions. A good, thorough due diligence process can also help the board plan for and mitigate the risks uncovered about the other organization. CAPLAW developed this Sample Due Diligence Checklist for Mergers and Shared Services to assist CAAs in this process.

Tax Issues to Consider When Sharing Employees
This article focuses on the tax considerations for CAAs entering into a shared employee relationship. It presents three commonly-seen examples of sharing employees within the Community Action network:a 501(c)(3) nonprofit state association sharing employees with another...