New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Boards

New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Boards

Now that the new FASB accounting standards for nonprofit organizations have taken effect, it’s time to step back and evaluate whether your CAA’s board and senior staff are familiar with the new presentation of financial statements, and how each is effectively using...
New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Boards

Policies in Practice: Record Retention

In this webinar, we discuss CAPLAW’s updated Sample Record Retention Policy and the types of organizational documents that it covers, how to choose appropriate record retention periods, and how the policy promotes good governance practices. An effective record...
New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Boards

Policies in Practice: Conflicts of Interest

In this webinar, we discuss CAPLAW’s Sample Conflict of Interest Policy for Boards and Senior Staff of both CAAs with Head Start and CAAs without Head Start, including managing potential gray areas. An effective conflict of interest policy helps CAA board members and...
New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Boards

Policies in Practice: Procurement

In this webinar, we discuss CAPLAW’s new Sample Procurement Policy for CAAs, the Uniform Guidance requirements for procurement, and how to apply the policy in a CAA’s day-to-day purchasing and vendor selection decisions. An effective procurement policy is a pillar of...
New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Boards

OMB Proposes Revisions to the Uniform Guidance

On January 22, 2020, the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) announced proposed revisions to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), 2 C.F.R. Part 200, that would affect all...