Working with CAA Personnel Policies

Working with CAA Personnel Policies

This webinar is intended to help attorneys better understand the legal issues unique to CAAs with respect to their personnel policies and practices. We discuss the human resources directives in the CSBG Organizational Standards and the new overtime rule recently...
Working with CAA Personnel Policies

Tax-Exempt Law for Nonprofit CAAs

A nonprofit CAA’s federal tax-exempt status is one of its most valuable assets. In this webinar we review the do’s and don’ts of protecting that status. Topics covered include advantages and basic requirements of tax exemption under Internal Revenue Code section...
Working with CAA Personnel Policies

Nuts and Bolts of Subgrant Agreements

This webinar is intended to help attorneys better understand the rules that apply to CAAs proposing to subgrant federal funds. We discuss the framework that applies when determining whether a subrecipient or a contractor (vendor) relationship is created. We then talk...
Working with CAA Personnel Policies

Reporting under ACA Employer Mandate

Concerned about which of the new IRS reporting requirements under the employer and individual mandates apply to you? What data do you need collect? When do you need to submit and deliver the new forms? How do you complete those forms? Our second webinar in the...
Working with CAA Personnel Policies

Strategies for CAAs Unable to Survive

This webinar focuses on educating attorneys working with Community Action Agencies (CAAs) on the unique obligations that CAAs have as federal grantees when they are potentially facing difficult, major organizational decisions such as bankruptcy and dissolution. The...