Using the 10% De Minimis Rate

Using the 10% De Minimis Rate

Learn which organizations may receive the 10% de minimis rate and what “indirect costs” will be covered with this rate. This webinar discusses how a CAA would calculate an actual indirect cost rate using the Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) method required for...
Can an Employee be Paid from an Indirect Rate and Directly?

WAP Deferrals and Suspected Illegal Activities

Neither the federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Act nor the WAP regulations address denying or deferring weatherization services for otherwise eligible clients. Generally, state agencies administering WAP funds establish procedures and policies addressing...
Can an Employee be Paid from an Indirect Rate and Directly?

CSBG Carryover

This Q+A resource addresses frequently asked questions and commonly faced issues associated with the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) carryover requirements. It is important to note that the analysis does not represent the opinions of the federal Office of...