by Allie Fiske | Sep 2015 | resources
CSBG Organizational Standards This webpage links resources developed by CAPLAW to specific Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Organizational Standards to help Community Action Agencies (CAAs) in their compliance efforts. For some Standards that we regularly receive...
by ws-user | Aug 2015 | members-resources
Concerned about which of the new IRS reporting requirements under the employer and individual mandates apply to you? What data do you need collect? When do you need to submit and deliver the new forms? How do you complete those forms? Our second webinar in the...
by ws-user | Aug 2015 | members-resources
Wondering how to determine whether particular CAA staff members are considered full-time employees under the ACA and whether employer mandate assessments will apply if health coverage is not offered? Our first webinar in the Affordable Care Check-up webinar series...
by ws-user | May 2015 | members-resources
This webinar focuses on educating attorneys working with Community Action Agencies (CAAs) on the unique obligations that CAAs have as federal grantees when they are potentially facing difficult, major organizational decisions such as bankruptcy and dissolution. The...
by ws-user | Mar 2015 | resources
CAPLAW created this FAQ in response to questions we’ve received about the treatment of indirect costs under the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. This FAQ addresses the following issues:...
by ws-user | Mar 2015 | resources
If the Community Action Agency (CAA) runs a Head Start program, the answer is no; the Head Start Act prohibits board members serving as paid staff of the organization. Even for CAAs without Head Start, however, CAPLAW does not recommend making the executive director a...