by Allie Fiske | Sep 2019 | resources
An effective whistleblower policy encourages staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders to report suspected wrongdoing without fear of retaliation. This sample whistleblower policy is intended to help CAAs comply with the federal rules and regulations related to the...
by ws-user | Sep 2019 | resources
Nearly five years after the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), there continues to be significant misunderstanding of and confusion around...
by ws-user | Sep 2019 | resources
Learn how to effectively identify and recruit engaged, active individuals to serve as CAA board members – it’s all in the N.A.M.E. It’s about the board’s Needs, a potential board member’s Attributes, the organization’s Mission, and communicating Expectations. Whether...
by ws-user | Sep 2019 | resources
Tonya is a new CAA board member who has just received a whistleblower complaint from a CAA employee. Follow her journey as she discovers the key aspects of a CAA’s board operations—how the board communicates and makes decisions, the board’s role in developing...
by ws-user | Sep 2019 | resources
Explore the reasons why people become CAA board members, including what it means to be a board member who is Capable, Accountable, Representative, and Engaged (C.A.R.E) in the context of community action. Whether you’re a new CAA board member eager to orient yourself...
by ws-user | Aug 2019 | members-resources
Attorneys make valuable contributions to Community Action Agencies (CAAs) as board members. They possess training and expertise that help boards better fulfill their duties to their organizations while bolstering the impact that CAAs have in communities. This webinar...