Resource Library

All of CAPLAW’s resources and publications are now available in CAPLAW’s new Resource Library. Use the search filters below to find the resource you need.

Working with Attorneys

Working with Attorneys

An attorney plays a key role in helping a CAA maintain accountability and avoid liability. By proactively working with an attorney to ensure that its organizational infrastructure is legally compliant and enforceable, a CAA may avoid costly litigation and the negative press and low employee morale...

Tips for Attorneys Reviewing CAA Bylaws

Tips for Attorneys Reviewing CAA Bylaws

In this webinar, we examine the main issues for an attorney to consider when asked by a CAA to review and update its bylaws. We discuss laws specifically applicable to a CAA’s bylaws, such as the CSBG and Head Start board composition requirements, and what provisions the bylaws should contain to...

Tips for Attorneys Reviewing CAA Bylaws

Taking Care of Business…and Working Overtime

The U.S. Department of Labor recently issued its long-anticipated “overtime rule,” which affects whether certain employees may be treated as exempt from the minimum wage and overtime pay requirements of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. The DOL estimates that the new overtime rule, which will...

Applying the ACA to Short-Term Employees

Applying the ACA to Short-Term Employees

With summer approaching and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in full swing, CAAs may be faced with questions about how the ACA applies to summer or other temporary workers. This set of Frequently Asked Questions addresses the applicability of the ACA to employees who are not traditional year-round...

Tips for Attorneys Reviewing CAA Bylaws

Working with CAA Personnel Policies

This webinar is intended to help attorneys better understand the legal issues unique to CAAs with respect to their personnel policies and practices. We discuss the human resources directives in the CSBG Organizational Standards and the new overtime rule recently released by the Department of...

Tips for Attorneys Reviewing CAA Bylaws

Tax-Exempt Law for Nonprofit CAAs

A nonprofit CAA’s federal tax-exempt status is one of its most valuable assets. In this webinar we review the do’s and don’ts of protecting that status. Topics covered include advantages and basic requirements of tax exemption under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3); restrictions and...

Tips for Attorneys Reviewing CAA Bylaws

Nuts and Bolts of Subgrant Agreements

This webinar is intended to help attorneys better understand the rules that apply to CAAs proposing to subgrant federal funds. We discuss the framework that applies when determining whether a subrecipient or a contractor (vendor) relationship is created. We then talk about the applicable rules...

Applying the ACA to Short-Term Employees

WIOA Supersedes WIA: A Review of the Changes

On July 22, 2014, President Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA, or the Act), which is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to...

Sample Subaward Agreement

Sample Subaward Agreement

CAPLAW's Sample Subaward Agreement provides a template for CAAs and other Community Action network organizations to use as a starting point when seeking to subaward federal funds to partner organizations. The sample agreement also serves as a checklist of the major issues to consider when...