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Complying with the New Head Start Performance Standards
On August 21, 2024, the federal Office of Head Start (OHS) released extensive regulatory changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) in Supporting the Head Start Workforce and Consistent Quality Programming (the Final Rule)…

Open Meetings Law State-by-State Guide
Open meetings laws typically apply to federal, state, and local governmental bodies. However, some states expand applicability to non-governmental entities, such as recipients of government grants and certain nonprofit organizations…

Responding to Data Incidents
With cybercrime increasing, this question arises more and more often. Many CAAs have moved away from paper records toward electronic systems which contain significant amounts of data, and it isn’t always clear what obligations a CAA has when data within its care is compromised…

Shared Services With State Association Involvement
This case study examines how one state association was able to facilitate an exploration of sharing services among several Community Action Agencies in its state. The case study is based on CAPLAW’s interview with Elaine West, who at the time was the executive director of the Missouri Association...

Merger of Two Minnesota CAAs
This case study presents an example of the combination of a CAA experiencing financial difficulties with a larger and healthier CAA. The case study is based on CAPLAW’s interview with Dr. Leah Pigatti, executive director of Mahube-Otwa Community Action Partnership (Muhabe-Otwa) in Minnesota, as...

Merger Between a Nonprofit and a Public CAA
This case study presents an example of a merger between a nonprofit CAA and a public CAA. The case study is based on CAPLAW’s interview with Michael Thorsteinson, executive director of Three Rivers Community Action in Minnesota, as well as a review of Three Rivers Community Action’s website and...

Minnesota CSBG Office Encourages CAA Mergers
This case study explores what state CSBG offices can do to facilitate merger explorations among Community Action Agencies in their respective states. The case study is based on CAPLAW’s interview with several staff members at the Minnesota Office of Economic Opportunity.

Minnesota Community Action Merger Laws
This sample law contains provisions of Minnesota’s Community Action statute and regulations that address CAA mergers. Minnesota’s Community Action statute contains a section enacted in 2014 addressing the problem of two CAAs merging and the resulting merged CAA receiving a lower amount of CSBG...

Changing Needs and Expectations for CFOs in Community Action
What does it take to be truly effective as a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in Community Action? The answer for most CAAs goes way beyond the basics–an excellent knowledge of accounting principles, OMB Circular requirements, and specific funding source compliance issues. Today’s CFO must also be an...

Federal Grant Rules Relating to Legal Costs
Because Community Action Agencies (CAAs) face numerous and varied legal issues every day, developing productive relationships with attorneys is essential to the success of any CAA. An attorney is better equipped to facilitate this relationship and provide a CAA with legal services and solutions if...

Critical Indicators for CAA Sustainability
Discover new tools that CAAs are using to focus board attention on their organization's most important financial choices and challenges. In this session, we will explore strategies to build your board's understanding of your CAA's current financial health and the increased emphasis that funders...

Employment Laws Affecting Staffing Options
Preparing for uncertain times is not always easy. CAAs are often faced with potential funding cuts and program changes that affect their most valuable resource, their employees. Don’t wait until you are faced with these difficult scenarios to assess your CAA’s staffing options. This webinar covers...