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Complying with the New Head Start Performance Standards
On August 21, 2024, the federal Office of Head Start (OHS) released extensive regulatory changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) in Supporting the Head Start Workforce and Consistent Quality Programming (the Final Rule)…

Open Meetings Law State-by-State Guide
Open meetings laws typically apply to federal, state, and local governmental bodies. However, some states expand applicability to non-governmental entities, such as recipients of government grants and certain nonprofit organizations…

Responding to Data Incidents
With cybercrime increasing, this question arises more and more often. Many CAAs have moved away from paper records toward electronic systems which contain significant amounts of data, and it isn’t always clear what obligations a CAA has when data within its care is compromised…

All a-Board! Series: Terms and Term Limits (Process)
Like pruning a plant to encourage growth and fruitfulness, a CAA board of directors can implement requirements to facilitate turnover and help keep itself fresh and energized. Establishing terms for board service and a limit on the number of terms a board member may serve are two such...

Tax Issues to Consider When Sharing Employees
This article focuses on the tax considerations for CAAs entering into a shared employee relationship. It presents three commonly-seen examples of sharing employees within the Community Action network:a 501(c)(3) nonprofit state association sharing employees with another tax-exempt organization,...

Public CAA Boards
Tripartite boards of public Community Action Agencies (CAAs) face unique challenges in overseeing programs funded by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and other sources. While their relationship with local government provides lines of communication to individuals with authority and...

Democratic Selection Procedures in a Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a multitude of unprecedented challenges for CAAs. One of the challenges that has spurred CAAs to innovate is the need to recruit and elect representatives of the low-income community to serve on the tripartite board.While serious obstacles to client engagement...

Do’s and Don’ts of Workplace COVID-19 Vaccinations
As Community Action Agencies continue to adapt and evolve in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, their strategies for protecting employees from serious illness resulting from COVID-19 has shifted from mitigating the risk of transmission via measures like PPE and social distancing to...

Raising the Low-Income Voice
Since the inception of the Economic Opportunity Act, a fundamental goal of Community Action has been to provide low-income individuals with a voice in the administration of its poverty alleviating programs. With the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Act's call to achieve “maximum participation”...

Weatherproofing CAA Bylaws
The COVID-19 pandemic presented numerous challenges for CAAs that impacted existing governance structures and practices. Due to widespread restrictions on gathering, many boards were unable to meet in person or had to postpone regular meetings. For a significant number of CAAs, the pandemic...

CSBG Eligibility
The federal Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds local Community Action Agencies (CAAs) to carry out a variety of activities designed to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities, and empower low-income families and individuals to become self-sufficient. The following Q&A is...

Finishing Strong with Finances
CAAs received a historic influx of restricted funding in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, presenting unique challenges in addition to exciting opportunities. Many of these challenges, from managing indirect cost rate rates and cost allocation plans to revisiting budgets with your board, relate...