by Allie Fiske | May 2021 | resources, rf-featured
Building Readiness: Planning, Prevention, Response, and Liability Introduction Planning Prevention Response Liability Resources Introduction* As organizations across the Community Action network adjust their operations and services disrupted by the COVID-19 outbreak,...
by ws-user | May 2021 | resources
Despite social distancing measures and remote work arrangements, it sometimes feels like employees are sharing more of their lives than ever with their employers. From glimpses into their homes on video conferences to symptom questionnaires and temperature checks at...
by ws-user | Apr 2021 | resources
In dealing with the pandemic over the past year, CAAs have discovered resourceful and creative ways to connect with their communities via their websites, social media, videoconferencing software, and other forms of remote interaction and outreach. While these measures...
by ws-user | Apr 2021 | resources
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a massive proliferation of cyber-attacks, with the transition to remote work leaving employers more vulnerable than ever to malware, phishing scams, and ransomware. Grant-funded nonprofits are attractive targets, since they maintain a...
by Allie Fiske | Apr 2021 | resources
Coronavirus Updates for the Community Action Network In light of increasing concerns about a broader coronavirus outbreak and the impacts on normal business operations, CAPLAW has compiled resources that are particularly relevant to the Community Action network. We...
by ws-user | Apr 2021 | resources
A CAA board may use this excel spreadsheet to reflect its current recruitment strategies and help the board focus on its most pressing board member composition needs. It is important to note, when using a board matrix, a CAA must be caredul to not focus on who people...