New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Management

New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Management

Now that the new FASB accounting standards for nonprofit organizations have taken effect, it’s time to step back and evaluate whether your CAA’s board and senior staff are familiar with the new presentation of financial statements, and how each is effectively using...
New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Management

New FASB Reporting Rules: CAA Boards

Now that the new FASB accounting standards for nonprofit organizations have taken effect, it’s time to step back and evaluate whether your CAA’s board and senior staff are familiar with the new presentation of financial statements, and how each is effectively using...
Sample Record Retention Policy

Sample Record Retention Policy

This sample policy can help CAAs to build their own record retention and destruction policy in compliance with federal and state laws, including the CSBG Organizational Standards, the Uniform Guidance, Form 990, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. CAPLAW’s...