Cost Allocation: Red Flags and Remedies

Cost Allocation: Red Flags and Remedies

This toolkit, created in collaboration with the National Community Action Partnership, is designed to help your Community Action Agency meet the requirements for cost allocation contained in Office of Management and Budget A-122 (OMB Circular A-122, now incorporated...
Shared Services between Two Georgia CAAs

Shared Services between Two Georgia CAAs

This case study is based on CAPLAW’s interview with Nancy Smith, Executive Director of Middle Georgia Community Action Agency, Inc. and Heart of Georgia Community Action Council, Inc., and a review of the management agreement between the two organizations and their...
Shared Services between Two Georgia CAAs

Merger of a Maine CAA and Non-CAA

This case study is based on CAPLAW’s interview with Mike Tarpinian, Chief Executive Officer of the Opportunity Alliance in Portland, Maine, about the merger of a Community Action Agency, Peoples’ Regional Opportunity Program, Inc., with Youth Alternatives Ingraham to...
Board Composition and Selection Best Practices

Board Composition and Selection Best Practices

Use this Board Composition and Selection Best Practices checklist to assess how your board elects board members, what your selection procedures you use, and whether the makeup of the board complies with the requirements of the federal CSBG Act.
Cost Allocation: Red Flags and Remedies

Bylaws Toolkit

CAPLAW’s Bylaws Toolkit is just what you need to make your organization’s bylaws clear, effective, and up-to-date. The toolkit outlines key concepts for your agency’s bylaws, such as the authority of the Board of Directors, petitions for board representation,...