Tackling Tricky Wage and Hour Topics

Tackling Tricky Wage and Hour Topics

Test your wage and hour prowess by working through several scenarios that address some of the trickier federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) issues faced by Community Action Agencies (CAAs). This practical look at the FLSA will aid CAAs in discovering ways to reduce...
Tackling Tricky Wage and Hour Topics

Are You Ready for the ACA?

This webinar covers the latest developments in implementation of the Affordable Care Act and its impact on employer-sponsored health plans. Topics discussed include:an update on preparing for the “pay or play” mandate;preparing for upcoming nondiscrimination and auto...
Tackling Tricky Wage and Hour Topics

Cost Allocation: Red Flags and Remedies

Across the country, Community Action Agencies are experiencing heightened auditor and Inspector General interest in cost allocation plans and practices. CAPLAW and the Partnership have teamed up to produce a new Cost Allocation Toolkit designed for CAAs who do not...
Monitoring Map for CAAs

Monitoring Map for CAAs

This toolkit represents a collaborative effort between the Community Action Partnership (Partnership) and CAPLAW to provide timely training and technical assistance (T/TA) material about the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) monitoring process. The toolkit, titled...
Merger of a New York CAA and Non-CAA

Merger of a New York CAA and Non-CAA

This case study is based on CAPLAW’s interview with Adrian Fassett, President/Chief Executive Officer of Economic Opportunity Council of Suffolk, Inc. (EOC) in Patchogue, New York, as well as a review of EOC’s website and its IRS Form 990.
Monitoring Map for CAAs

Cost Allocation: Red Flags and Remedies

This toolkit, created in collaboration with the National Community Action Partnership, is designed to help your Community Action Agency meet the requirements for cost allocation contained in Office of Management and Budget A-122 (OMB Circular A-122, now incorporated...